The Impact of COVID-19 On Music Education

COVID-19 has decimated music education across the world. Up and down the country, fewer children have been able to take up music through their schools and whilst home sales of instruments have risen, music education still needs more help to get back on track. Take a look at these shocking statistics from the Incorporated Society of Musicians!

A new report from ISM (Incoporated Society Of Musicans) has been published titled: ‘The heart of the school is missing’, that reveals the devastating impact on music education across the country. Our goal has always been to empower children to take up music and to hear some of these stats made us want to act straight away!

Perhaps the most shocking discovery is that almost 10% of primary and secondary schools are not teaching class music at all, even though it is still a mandatory requirement of the curriculum and remains a huge emotional and creative outlet for students up and down the country. We believe that without action this will continue to worsen and fewer children currently going through the education system will value music.

Read the full ISM report here.

In response MIA Board Chair, Steven Greenall, with the support of Millers Managing Director and MIA board member Simon Pollard, has written to The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

Steven Greenall's letter highlighted how the reduction of music in schools is not only impacting our students and teachers, but also MIA members and the wider music industry. Millers will continue to support and work with the ISM, MIA and music teachers across the country. Full info of our collaboration with MIA can be found here.

Furthermore, we are encouraging people to get in touch so we are able to donate full, environmentally friendly instrument cleaning kits in collaboration with Edgware by BBICO to local schools and communities to keep musical environments a fun and safe environment for everyone. Simply email us at: to donate to your school!

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