Bringing The Piano Community Together!
We believe that piano tutors are a crucial component in our goal of making piano fun, accessible and sustainable for all.
We created our Recommended Teacher Scheme to help not only provide students with teachers who we trust and actively work with, but also to provide teachers with resources and materials in order to take their teaching to the next level.
We work with hundreds of piano tutors across East Anglia, offering not only fantastic referral incentives, but also providing a space to meet, collaborate and inspire both teachers and students to come together to discuss all things piano.
Recommended Teachers List
We have clients of all ages, abilities and muscial preferences come to us on a daily basis looking for a quality piano teacher to help them with their piano journey.
We of course only want to point them in the direction of teachers we trust, so set up our Recommended Teachers List so we can perfectly match the right student with the right teacher based on their requirements.

Teacher Incentives
Teachers on our recommended teachers list are able to recieve a number of incentives with us, such as:
Access to our sheet music library (coming soon!)
The ability to book our showroom grand pianos for recitals and exam preparation.
Free access to our community events and spaces.
Priority space for your students on our industry leading rental scheme.
Want To Get Involved?
Becoming a Millers Music recommended teacher is free and all we require is a few details about yourself so we can make sure we are matching the right teachers with the right students.
Please fill in the form below whereby our teaching liason team will be notified and get in touch to get you added to the list!

What Makes A Recommended Teacher?

Every teacher on our recommended teachers list shares our goal of making piano fun, exciting and accessible to all, and their lessons reflect that!

Our recommended teachers understand that every student learns differently and will helpadapt their lessons to help see you succeed!

Our teachers are experts in their field, from concert trained pianists to those who are masters of music theory and technique, they know their stuff!
To find your perfect piano teacher, please fill our the following form: